When I was seven or eight I first went
to a camp for legally blind kids called Super Summer Camp. They gave
us shirts emblazoned with a big Superman S. The camp offered all the
hallmarks of any summer camp. There were cabins full of lizards, a
swimming pool which was freezing except when it was full of pee,
rusted canoes we could paddle in a circle around a placid lake and a
ropes course with neutering harnesses. The camp was in the rocky
foothills of the Southwest Mountains outside Charlottesville,
Virginia and the terrain was sometimes precarious, even for the
normally sighted. Super Summer Campers had a broad spectrum of
vision impairments from colorblindness to total blindness. Whenever
we went anywhere, legally blind campers were asked to lead totally
blind campers, it was the blind leading the blinder over loose gravel
trails with steep pitches. There were even other kids with albinism
there, too. I wish I could say there'd been some nice connection
between all of us. Now that I'm older, I see it would have been nice
if we had all talked about our obstacles and come to reasonable
solutions about how to better cope in the world. (Hence this blog).
But we were kids away from our parents for a week, so all I remember
is swearing as goddamn much as humanly fucking possible, drinking too
much chocolate milk in the mess hall and, as a legally blind kid at a
camp full of totally blind kids, I remember feeling like a superhero.
The camp moved from Charlottesville to Roanoke, Virginia and lost some of its appeal. The new camp was less rustic because it was a facility which could accommodate all manner of persons with disabilities. The terrain was flat and there was far more pavement. I was closer to the ages of the counselors and trying really hard not to be defined by my albinism, so all I wanted to do was crack jokes and smoke cigarettes with the college-aged Counselors instead of doing dumb boring camp activities for stupid blind babies. I was funny, so most of the Counselors were cool, but now I recognize what a nuisance I must have been. These Counselors were college sophomores, I'm sure they wanted time away from the loudmouth albino teenager asking them for cigarettes and generally making their downtime hell.
Looking back now, being frustrated the camp was too accommodating for people with disabilities and bothering the Counselors all the time doesn't sound very heroic. Superman probably wouldn't break the beeping beacon so blind kids couldn't enjoy archery. Maybe I wasn't such a hero after all. I guess The Dark Night was right, you can die and be a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain at blind camp.
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